Until I Have No Country: A Novel of the King Phillips War in New England


Wampanoag warrior Tamoset has joined the great tribal leader Philip (Metacom) in a war to drive the colonists out of New England. He leaves his wife and child to fulfill his tribal duty on the warpath, which changes his life forever. Colonist John Homer fights to protect the farm he has carved out of the wilderness.

Through a twist of fate his life collides with Tamoset's with consequences no one can foresee. A historical thriller and love story, this is a sweeping novel of King Philip's Indian War. True to historical facts, the book is a unique tale of war's casualties and personal sacrifices. Tamoset's journey is both unforgettable and inspiring.

Michael Tougias is the coauthor of King Philips War, one of the most authoritative books on its subject. But in this novel, he brings the war to life through rich characterization and a fast-paced storyline.

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